The area is covered by a Special Protection Order. Lochs Ailsh and Urigill are a component Site of Special Scientific Interest in a Special Protection Area, which supports 5% of the UK breeding population of the Black Throated Diver.
Rod and line fishing will be allowed only in the period 15th March and 6th October between 0900 and 1900 on Loch Ailsh and sunrise and sunset elsewhere.
All fishing will be by permit only approached only by the recognised accesses with parking in designated areas and daily catch returns required. Permits will show the fishers name and address, email address, telephone number, vehicle number, period for which permit is issued, and the fish caught and released during that period. Only permits signed by the issuer and the person authorised to fish will be valid.
No dogs are permitted on Lochs Craggie and Eileag.
All permit holders must disinfect and treat their equipment against Gyrdodactylus salaries before taking it onto the fishery.
Permit holders must not light or cause fires.
No Sunday fishing is allowed on Loch Ailsh.
Fishermen will not approach black throated divers or their nesting areas, keeping well away from islands and artificial rafts.
Bank fishing is not permitted on Loch Ailsh.
Only boats provided by the Oykel Bridge Hotel may be used.
Use of personal engines is permitted.
A maximum of two rods per boat is permitted and no more than three adults will occupy a boat.
No boat permits will be issued to persons under 18 years of age.
Fishing shall be by fly only. No trolling and no bait fishing allowed.
The use of double and treble hooks is not permitted and barbless hooks should be adopted as best practice wherever possible. Life jackets will be required to be worn by all fishermen fishing from boats.
Unless fishermen are experienced in the use of boats for loch fishing then an experienced boatman must be present.
All salmon, sea trout and brown trout caught on Loch Ailsh must be returned. Elsewhere the conservation aims are to return safely to the lochs as many fish as possible. All fish under 9” must be returned and wherever possible large fish should also be returned. A maximum of 6 brown trout per boat day may be taken.
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